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Tag: 600MHZBand

Tech Talk: T-Mobile extends 600 MHz rollout to over 900 markets

Dear Friends & Colleagues: As promised, we continue to deliver updates on T-Mobile’s 600 MHz rollout to prepare you for the inevitable RF challenges that will be in your region soon. So far, T-Mobile says it has deployed its 600 MHz spectrum in more than 900 U.S. cities and towns, 120 of which were not…
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Prepare For Loss Of 600MHz By Year’s End

Industry Collegues: Welcome to Tech Talk. Radio Active Designs is committed to providing timely information about the 600MHz spectrum re-allocation in order to minimize negative impact to wireless microphone and intercom operators across the United States. Tech Talk will provide you with the information you need to weather the RF storm headed our way. As you…
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T-Mobile Announces Plans To Launch In 600 MHz Band In 2017

T-Mobile Preps For “Record-Breaking” 600 MHz LaunchT-Mobile To Launch 600 MHz Spectrum Support This YearEricsson plans Q3 launch of MIMO-enabled 600 MHz equipmentTV Repack Breakdown By City